STOs ….. getting them right

STRUCTURING A SECURITY TOKEN OFFERING A successful security token sale is a complex, multi-faceted process involving detailed planning, financial modelling and regulatory compliance combined with an intensive PR and marketing campaign to engage the investor community and generate demand.  Tokenisable assets Before considering the structure of a security token offering…

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Blockchain – Business applications

Blockchain is a decentralised, distributed digital ledger that records transactions across many computers so that any information recorded cannot subsequently be altered without the alteration of all subsequent blocks. When considering the potential use cases for blockchain a good starting point is the two primary categories of distributed ledger technology:…

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Why Business Lawyers Won’t Be Replaced By Smart Contracts

Smart contracts and the blockchain  – the changing world of lawyers involved in drafting commercial contracts. What are smart contracts? A “smart contract” comprises some digital code stored on a blockchain that records the terms of a transaction between two or more parties and then automatically implements those terms as…

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